金属缠绕垫片(基本型)采用优质SUS304、SUS316("V"形或"W"形) 金属带及其它合金材料与石墨、石棉、聚四氟乙烯、无石棉等软性材料相互重叠螺旋缠绕而成,在开始及末端用点焊方式将金属带固定。 1.金属带材料 A. 采用厚度为0.15mm~0.25mm的08F,0Cr13, 0Cr18Ni19Ti, 0Cr18Ni9Ti, 00Cr18Ni10, 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti, 00Cr17Ni14Mo2,201,304,316等冷轧钢带,或由供需双方协商 确定。 B. 金属带为预成型的V型或W型窄带,表面应光滑.洁净,不应有粗糙不平.裂纹.划伤.凹坑及锈斑等缺陷 C.不锈钢的硬度值 HV≤200 D.一般的钢带的宽度是3.2mm,4.5mm,8mm,W型的钢带可以更厚。 2. 非金属带材料 A 非金属填充为特制的石棉带,柔性石墨带,聚四氟乙烯带,非石棉纤维带,陶瓷纤维及云母带等。带的厚度为 0.3-1.0mm。 B. 特制石棉烧失量必须≤25% C. 非金属带的氯离子含量≤100PPM D.各类介质及各种非金属带的推荐使用温度及压力 E.一般的钢带的宽度是3.2mm,4.5mm,8mm 3.内外环材料 常用的有304SS,316LSS,321SS,347SS,碳钢,钛,铜. mix: The flange on the pad designs to facilitate the installation of the Company under the gasket-caliber size, the gasket external welding a 2 ~ 8 positioning belt buckle for positioning hole in the flange, to prevent displacement installation gasket or falling out of the supporting material and saving hours of work. Types and gasket materials 1, Winding pads divided into four forms: that is, as the basic type A, B band strengthen ring, the C-band to strengthen the ring, the D-band, the strengthening ring. 2, the general use of materials A strip: 0 Cr13, 0Cr18Ni9 (304), 0Cr18Ni9Ti, 1Cr18Ni9Ti (321), 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 (316), 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 (316L) B, both inside and outside ring materials are A3, 304,316,316 L C, non-metallic sandwich belt: Flexible Graphite PTFE, custom-made asbestos. 使用范围: Use of: 1、使用温度:-196℃-650℃ 1, the use of Temperature: -196 ° C -650 ° C (氧化介质中不高于450℃) Oxidation medium does not exceed 450 ° C) 2、使用压力≤ 26MPa 2, the use of pressure ≤ 25MPa 3、垫片厚度:2.5-4.5mm 3, gasket thickness :2.5-4.5 mm 性 能: 1、适用范围广。能耐高温、高压和适应超低温或真空下使用。 2、应用补偿能力强。在高温、高压波动频繁的工位上,密封性能稳定、可靠性强。 3、有良好的密封性能。 4、使用安装方便。 Performance: 1, the scope of application-Canton. Can high temperatures, high pressure and adapt to ultra-low-temperature vacuum or use. 2, the ability of compensation. At high temperature, high pressure fluctuations frequent-position, the sealing performance stability and reliability. 3, a good sealing performance. 4, the use of the installation convenience